Why Pinnacle Creative Arts?

Our Mission

We desire to create a wildly passionate community of artists learning and growing together to deliver great stories and experiences that persist and inspire over time.

Be a part of a WOW experience

From the kickoff of a show or camp to the final cast party or showcase, we desire to have WOW experiences.
A WOW experience happens when everyone involved engages and brings as much excitement, capability and learning as possible.  
Be bold – Be WOW!

Be Creative, Adventurous and Open

We are a creative organization, right?
So be open and willing to try and experience new things.  Let your directors and peers challenge as you strive to be your best.
Each show, each class, each camp is an adventure with others.
Be open to the unexpected!

Aspire to build genuine and open relationships with great communication -

Embrace this creative extended family!

Your emotion matters.
Caring, and being cared for,
builds great relationships.
Belong to one another.
This can provide opportunities for us to know each other more than that with which we may be comfortable,
Embrace it with all its unique
and quirky elements.
Let’s be creative together!
And, this extended family will
always be here for you.

Be Humble

If we are willing to learn, we will listen.
And if we listen, we can hear.
If we hear, we may be humble.
And if we are humble, we can see others.
No one is greater than another,
regardless of any role

Initiate, embrace, and Inspire others

We aspire to be ‘for’ each other…
We cheer for one another.
We support one another.
We are patient with one another.

Do more with less

We always have limited budgets and time.
Be creative – bring all ideas and share openly.
You never know from where
a great idea might come!
Let’s be great stewards of our resources
and focused on the outcome.

We will have hiccups and issues.
What organization doesn’t?
We aren’t perfect and we may fail.
Be supportive, be passionate,
be determined to push through
with each other.
Pursue learning and WOW will happen.

Be responsible for yourself.
Always leave a place better
than when you arrived.